Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My name is Peter Flanagan a friend of David Gibb.From the Town of Mount Royal
He gave me a blog address to send some pictures.
The address he gave me does not seem to work (
Can you help.
Regards Peter

Dear Isabel & Ruth,
Attached are photos of the minor Marr clan, with me, Jennifer as master mum (daughter of Cathy, granddaughter of David Gibb). Father to this brood is Cameron (the longest legged one), then Graeme David, age 8 and Evan Cameron and Reid Sidney, age 6.

We are sorry to miss out on the festivities, and know that my mom, Cathy, is pretty sore about the state of her back and how it has grounded her.

If I remember correctly, Ruth, you were expecting Pate when my family was in Palgrave on our cross country trip many years ago. I hear he's quite the athlete and Olympic hopeful. Drop us a line if you are in Vancouver for 2010. We don't have too much in the way of space, but have been known to prepare the odd meal or two :-)

Happy family festing,
The Gibbs of Blackburn Hamlet, a suburb of Ottawa. We are Mary, Ian, Sarah and David. Ian is the son of David Gordon Gibb and Janet Hamilton Gibb, now in Victoria, and the grandson of Robertson and Mary Gibb.

Ian was raised in Town of Mont Royal, Quebec, just a few miles from the Westmount homes of his grandparents. Mary comes from Lindsay, Ontario, a little more than an hour north east of Toronto. They met on Manitoulin Island, where Mary taught high school and Ian worked for the local newspaper. After Manitoulin, they roamed all over Northern Ontario. Their daughter Sarah must have absorbed a lot from her early outdoorsy life: she rarely passes a day without swimming, skiing, running or biking. Perhaps because he was born in nerdy Waterloo, Ontario, David spends more of his time in front of a computer screen or piano. Sarah’s other passions include meeting new people, especially from other cultures. As a child, she agreed to immersions in Spain and Quebec, and interrupted her studies at Queens to spend almost a year in Norway, to which she later returned to live another half dozen years.

During Sarah’s first stay in Norway, Ian was asked to work for a couple of years in Indonesia at “reforming the governance of financial institutions.” He had never used a passport before, but after so many years encouraging Sarah to see the world he could hardly refuse. Mary and David’s reaction on arriving in Jakarta was to ask “what have you done to us?” However, they ended up staying not two years but four. The financial markets must have asked the same question: soon after Ian started work many Indonesian banks failed and the rupiah lost 90 per cent of its value.

Since his return to Canada David has alternated between work and study in France and Canada. Sarah teaches school in Vancouver, Mary teaches English to immigrants and Ian works for an agency that tries to keep financial institutions on the straight and narrow. So far, they’ve ignored him and have stayed solvent.
1520 Brookside Park
Quesnel BC, V2J 5X5
(250) 992-7279

Greetings from Central British Columbia!

When I first heard about the Gibb family reunion I was delighted to have the opportunity to catch up with all the long-lost cousins. I had planned to fly to Ottawa after family visits in Vancouver and Victoria, spend a few days with brother Ian and his Mary, then drive to the party with them. I'm afraid it was not to be: I'm laid up with a bum back and trying very hard not to feel sorry for myself.

Here a bits and pieces of what's happening in my life.

Jennifer (born 1973) is married and living in North Vancouver. She is teaching at Simon Fraser, working on her master's, and managing family life with 3 small boys, including a set of identical twins..
Mary (born 1976) lives a little closer, in 150 Mile House. She works for a local Aboriginal Band, making hi-tech maps related to land claim issues. She and her husband have have a rodeo star and a fairy princess for children.
I'm sure Dad will have all kinds of stories to tell you from first-hand experience, and from all the research he's done on the family. I visit him and Mom twice a year in Victoria.

I've always wanted to see the world, so once I was on my own, I fell into the pattern of joining an adventure tour almost every summer. I've kayaked around coastal islands in BC, hiked up to Macchu Pichu, had a marriage proposal in the Blue Mosque, walked on the Great Wall, marveled at Victoria Falls, snorkeled with the penguins off the Galapagos ...what an exciting world it is, and I'm so lucky to have been able to see so much of it.
I broke my hip while hiking a few years ago (you know how they say to get lots of exercise so you won't get frail, fall and break something?) and had a partial replacement, which doesn't work as well as the original part. No more hiking or cross-country skiing, but I do an exercise class at the pool up the street 3-4 times a week to keep in shape.
Uusually “gardening” and “adventure” don't occur in the same sentence, but it if you could see the before and in-progress (a garden is never finished) pictures of my lot you'd understand why I think of those two words together. The process has given me hours of exercise and fun.

Professional life
I've taught in the classroom from grades 4 to 7, in French immersion and in the regular system in Quebec, Ontario and BC. Currently, I am working half-time as a teacher/librarian in an elementary school, a nice way to wind down a career.

Music is big part of my life, and since moving to Quesnel I've been involved as accompanist for all kinds of church and community choirs, high school musicals, fund-raising concerts and the local music festival. I've participated in quite a few musical theatre productions which are a big thing out here. Have piano will travel.

Community involvement
The move out of Quebec was a long sad and somewhat typical story, (although we were prepared to live in French in a separate Quebec if it came to that), so when we landed in small-town BC, I was at loose ends. It was my dad who kept insisting that I bloom where I was over the years I've been involved in the Community Arts Council, the United Church, the concert society and Billy Barker Days, (“BC's #1 fun family festival”). In the process I've made new friends, acquired skills (never light a harp concert with all blue or red lights), and learned to love this community. I've been Citizen of the Year, and continue to participate in many activities, mostly through music.

I wish you all a wonderful time together!

Hi Ruth,

Happy Canada Day!! Hope the rain stays away up there– so far, so good

(will do that this week)! Yes, well, that week came & went, didn’t it?!
First of all, I worked for British Airways (in Montreal) & Pan American
(in Toronto) – choosing airlines that travelled the world was a real plus!
I then switched into Corporate Travel Sales & had to master that awful
thing of speaking & presenting to the decision-makers; occasionally,
with the boss looking on – that’s the worst!

Now, after taking a course at Dawson College, I’ve been building a website
& promoting Organic & Fair Trade Cotton Clothing. (you may have noticed,
I’ve been taking advantage of my kins’ addresses through your correspondence
& sending out my newsletter! – hope that’s not jamming the system too much.)

I’m also on the Board of the NDG Senior Citizens’ Council for NDG & Montreal
West - & working on Development – I had no idea how financially strapped
many of these wonderful people were!

Patricia – (53) has been my partner for 10 years – is a Nurse-Manager in Surgery,
at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) & is working at the Royal Victoria
Hospital. She cycles, she golfs, she kayaks, she sings (!) & she loves to boogie!
She also helps to care-take her 88 year old Mother.

Sherrill started a publishing company in the early 80s for childrens’ educational
& self-help books. After many good years & lots of travelling to book fairs &
conferences throughout the US, she sold her business & studied personal
training. She specialises in Senior Exercise & boy! is she good! The Seniors have
benefitted & improved their well-being as a result. (I’m allowed to say that, aren’t I.)
“Sherrill, you can add or delete whatever I’ve said here.”

Andrew – is Sherrill’s eldest son (40) who lives & works in Tampa. My handsome
nephew & Godson did his post-graduate at the Savannah School of Design, in furniture
design. He has a beautiful caring towards his work & is a true artist. He has developed
a reputation for his knowledge of furniture & his great work, which continues to grow
in the Tampa area. Andrew is an eligible bachelor – at the moment!

Jamie – (34 this month), Sherrill’s youngest, has lived & worked in New York City for
about 10 years. Jamie is a funny, low-keyed, laid-back - & sensitive ‘artist’ - who has studied
music in NYC. Jamie plays percussion & has travelled with bands throughout the US – also, took
him over to Spain. (where did all these artists in the family come from)?! Jamie works in
home renovations & is also single.

Carrie – my wonderful Sister, Holly’s, wonderful daughter, is a writer, a musician, a
sound engineer, a documentary film producer – who also sings occasionally in Indie
bands – and is the Mother of beautiful & spunky Alice & Gahan, the wife of wonderful
Dan & has a contagious joie de vivre, like her Mother.

David – is Holly’s handsome son, living in Montreal with his Lady, Sara. David’s been
in Digital Marketing for several years & has landed some impressive accounts – both
here & in Toronto. He’s a pretty good golfer, the Godfather to his nephew, Gahan & has
beautiful manners!

Ruth – all this is quite a mouthful! Do with the info’ as you wish. I tried to download a
picture of Pat – but for some reason,

So looking forward to meeting you & many other dear relatives – what a great idea!

Cousin Jane